Satoshi Nakamoto, the Bitcoin inventor, launched it in 2009 as a mode of payment for day to day transactions. This was inspired by the 2008 financial collapse of the traditional banking infrastructure. It was called a peer - to peer electronic cash system.
Initially Bitcoin had very few takers, it was considered as one of the futuristic digital assets and attracted a lot of buyers once it jumped to $0.08 in 2009. Since then it has seen many price volatilities, price has seen a lot of bubbles in the past.
Bitcoin saw a jump of 3200% in 3 months, yeah this was the first highest rise imagine $1 in April - 2011 was $32 in June (Think about individuals holding 1,00,000 units of Bitcoin in April 2011).
Pandemic helped BItcoin as well. In April 2021 Bitcoin was as high as $64,863 (Now Imagine someone holding 1,00,000 units of Bitcoin at $1 - What if this guy sells everything?), but not for long. Within a few days it fell down to $32000.
There is a speculation that the price of 1 Bitcoin could reach as high as $,5,00,000 in 2030.
We can easily say that Bitcoin is a digital gold. So hold it as much as you can, do not worry about the present, reap maximum benefit in the next 5 to 10 years.