Solana, launched in 2020 (March) is one of the finest decentralized blockchains helping developers build scalable and user-friendly apps. 

A few of the projects built on Solana are

  1. DeFi projects: Orca | Saber | Serum | Mango
  2. Lending protocols: Francium | Solend | Jet Protocol
  3. NFT marketplaces: Metaplex | Solanart | Solsea
  4. Web3 apps: Audius | | Bonfida

Solana is processing more than 2000 transactions per second, on an average costing $0.00025 per transaction. 

This is certainly one of the best ecosystems on the blockchain. 

Overview of Solana trading value.

Solana has a total supply of 511,616,946 SOL, to date (19/6/2022) SOL’s all-time high value is $260.06 and the reported lowest value is $0.5052.

Solana currently is 88.34% low from its all-time high trading value, and what got to be seen is if it falls further. 


Solana is offering remote jobs as well as opportunities in the United States. For the profiles like 

Senior web developer, VFX artist, Influencer manager, game systems designer, Business development lead, and others. Click here to view jobs.

Click here to read the whitepaper on Solana and have in-depth knowledge.